Thursday, September 8, 2011

0-1 the hiyakawa project redux

        Alright, I feel that I should elaborate on my project and the concept behind just a bit. The original concept/inspiration for this project came from my first love, Comic books. Some comics back in the 90's used to have multiple issues of the same comic the only difference was the cover. The covers on comics were always special because that's where they put there money at.They always used a better inking process and the art on the covers were usually of a better quality. Well back in the 90's the comic industry thought to itself and said how do we get people to buy multiple issues of the same comic and the answer they came up with was doing multiple covers for the same book. That's where my idea stems out from because you see if you had all the multiple cover art work of a particular  comic then most times they would join together to form a  over sized poster or large wall scroll.Like so

Well I attempted to do the same thing for this project but to also add a bit of color theory behind it . Anyway here is my revised first panel. I made the background less chromatic as well as finished the shading on the hair. After that I used an blur filter to pop the "secret" image out further and the whole piece was done in a warm analogous color scheme.

 Below is an image of the Illustrator file that was transported into Photoshop and chopped into the four separate images that will make up my different pieces. Making a composition that can stand on its own while maintaining the structure of the "hidden or secret" image is turning out to be very challenging. Oh.... God why didn't I pick an easier project. :P

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